Monday, July 29, 2013

A few updates...

homestitchness New Zealand themed cross stitch designs

Hello! And if you are visiting for the first time - welcome! :o)

What with one thing and another happening in life - as it does - I haven't been nearly as present in this little space as I would like to be! So, it is definitely about time things got a little more exciting around here...

I am very pleased to say that homestitchness now has it's very own Etsy shop where you can buy patterns direct and they will be mailed to you free of charge, no matter where in the world you live! While I am a huge advocate of supporting your local needlework store, if you are not close by to any of the retail shops carrying the homestitchness pattern range, being able to buy online will be a good option for you!

I am also happy to announce that homestitchness now has it's very own Facebook page as well, so I'd love it if you'd take the time to check it out. There are some events coming up soon, such as a giveaway here on the blog, and since homestitchness is such a new venture I'll be needing your help to spread the word (which means there'll be lots of opportunities to get yourself multiple entries into the draw!)

I hope you'll join me as things start to get underway! As always, thank you so much for your interest in homestitchness!

Jenny x

1 comment:

  1. Hey jenny - lovely blog you have got here! I have a matching bloglovin button for your set... I will email it to you xx


Thank you for taking the time to say hello! Replies will be posted beneath your comments, so be sure to return again soon :o)